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A new wonder lotion may instantly reverse the effects of sun and chemical burns


The "super melanin" cream was created by researchers in the US and does not merely protect the wearer's skin but concurrently cures damage and speeds recovery.

A recent research discovered that a miraculous skin treatment may instantly repair sunburn and chemical damage.

American scientists have invented a lotion called "super melanin" that does more than simply shield the user's skin from harm; it also restores it and speeds up the healing process. The powerful regenerating properties it has make it a potential future treatment for cancer patients receiving radiation.

Nature NPJ Regnerative Medicine included a research highlighting the potential advantages of synthetic melanin. Northwestern University researchers in Chicago created the cream after conducting a battery of intricate experiments designed to simulate the human skin's natural melanin.

Melanin is a naturally occurring pigment in human hair, skin, and eyes. In reaction to exposure to more sunshine, the body produces more pigment, a process usually known as tanning, which protects cells from DNA damage.

Free radicals, which are unstable molecules with an unpaired electron, are typically the result of solar damage to the skin. This new lotion may cause more skin cell harm by herding free radicals. This mimics the effect that melanin has in the body.

Dr. Kurt Lu, a Professor of Dermatology at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine and a Northwestern Medicine dermatologist, said many don't appreciate how dangerous frequent exposure to the sun can be. One of the researchers involved in the study noted, "People don't conceive of their regular life as an injury to their skin. The sun's UV rays might be harmful if you expose your face to them on a daily basis.This problem becomes much more severe during the summer and in the middle of the day. Exposed skin ages faster than covered skin, and it is well known that sun exposure accelerates the ageing process.

Inflammation and collagen breakdown result from free radicals produced in response to the skin's repeated assaults. That's one of the main differences in the appearance of youthful and aged skin.

The Northwestern University team generated the synthetic melanin-engineered nanoparticles and tweaked the structure to have a better capability for scavenging free radicals. Professor Nathan Gianneschi from Northwestern University's Departments of Chemistry, Materials Science & Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Pharmacology provided further context for the team's use of the term "super melanin" to describe their innovation.

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"The synthetic melanin is capable of scavenging more radicals per gramme compared to human melanin," claimed Professor Gianneschi. It's like hyper melanin," they went on to say. It rubs clean into the skin, disappears with time, is harmless, and is biocompatible. According to our research, it may effectively absorb harmful substances while also protecting the skin.

Researchers at Northwestern University have been studying melanin for over a decade as part of initiatives supported by the US Department of Defence and the National Institutes of Health. They first tried out their synthetic melanin in the form of a sun lotion. They found that the cream not only prevented further UV damage to the skin and its cells, but also helped injured skin recover more quickly.

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