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The Chinese government has issued a warning against the proliferation of genetic weapons with the potential to kill an entire species


Chinese state security officials issued a warning on their official WeChat account this week, highlighting the threat of genetic weapons and exposing the case of a foreign NGO that planned to recruit "volunteers" to "conduct research on biological species and collect data and information" about its distribution "in various locations and require participants to undergo special examination."

The agency stressed the NGO's ties to the government of "a certain country" and its constant transmission of data overseas as reasons to be concerned for "the biosafety and ecological security of China."

The genetic weapons are "more concealable, deceptive, easily spread, and harmful in the long term," according to the journal.

Despite the fact that "some countries have turned genetic technology into deadly weapons," the ministry warned that these weapons were "difficult to prevent" and might have "devastating" effects.

The group emphasizes the fact that humans share about 99.9 percent of their DNA, but that the little variations within that shared blueprint "are the key to distinguishing various races."

"If there are sufficient numbers of human genetic samples, scientists can analyze and understand the unique genetic characteristics of each nation and race," the ministry said.

Experts have warned that genetic weapons may be used to selectively strike members of certain ethnic groups.

The ministry of health has said that "maintaining biological safety is the common responsibility of the entire society." "Everyone must establish a sense of biosecurity, learn from events, and [...] protect their own lives," he says in closing.

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